You're giving WAY too much feedback...


Imagine you're working on your cornhole game.

Walking back and forth, tossing the bags, getting into the zone, studying yourself, experimenting with throwing it high and throwing it low, trying to get swishes and then trying to get slides.

Now imagine you have a coach standing right next to you.

And after every. single. rep.... they have something to say.

"Gotta be balanced, you were off-balance!"

"Keep your elbow aligned."

"Your arm is going across instead of straight."

"Get more arc!"

"No, don't slow down!"


There are two types of people in this world...

1) Ones who would be SUPER annoyed and distracted by this...

2) Liars. 🙃


Other than being super irritating, this coach is actually hindering the learning process. How?

Well for starters... it is VERY difficult to achieve full focus while someone else is talking directly to you.

But also -- if we give immediate external feedback after EVERY rep, our learners will grow to depend on it.

Instead, you must leave room for the reps to breathe.

Otherwise, they will never get to make the brain/body connection that they need to make to correct their own mistakes whenever they make them.

It's going to feel awkward at first... but if the intended outcome of the rep is clear to the both of you, then you only need to give feedback when you see 5-7 of the SAME MISTAKE in a row (which doesn't happen very oftern), or *gasp* when they ask for it!!! *gasp again*

Talk about it with your athlete beforehand.

Figure out what yall are going to focus on -- what they want YOU to focus on... and stay true to that.

(It will take practice!)

You got it.


Learn more about feedback scheduling and go deeper on how to give meaningful cues this week in the Shooters Shoot Coaching Community.

We'll also break down a new shooter each meeting. You'll learn how to recognize common issues & we'll work the prescriptions to fix them together. You'll have access to every tool, piece of curriculum, and drill guide I've ever created. (Or will create!)

And you'll also get first-access to utilize the Shooters Shoot Training App that I'll be developing over the next 6-8 months (optimistic November launch, realistic December/January launch). You'll be able to easily assign shooting workouts and give feedback to your athletes (or you can pass that responsibility to me and my team).


Go put your headphones in and grab a couple of rebounds and let your shooter study themselves today. ;)


Thanks for being here.

If you know someone who this newsletter could help, please forward them this email. If they like it, they can join here.

Helpful links:

Shooters Shoot Training Website

Merchandise/Brand Website

(Bonus story: I was once observing a shooter in a round of 50 reps with no feedback. My brow was furrowed af, and I laser-focused on the one or two habits we had been working on. A little girl walked up next to me and started watching with me. She said to me, "So you just get paid to watch people shoot all day?" LOL

But, in a way.... she was right.​ *shrug*

The bulk of the teaching we do should not be during the reps.

We keep it simple once we get to shooting.

Answers don't get simpler when you add more words. <3)

Shooters Shoot LLC

shot development. thought development.

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